On Sale Now: 70s Monster Memories Book

Anyone who is a horror fan knows that there's much, much more to it that just reading novels or watching films. A genuine fan life is filled with collectibles, comic books, fanzines, posters, and a selection of oddities with an appeal that would baffle outsiders. The publishers of We Belong Dead magazine understand fan life very well, and they have just published a book that is completely devoted to horror fandom from a particular decade: 70s Monster Memories.

70s Monster Memories is a full-color, soft-cover book with 400 pages worth of essays about various aspects of horror fan life during the '70s. The essays cover just about everything that was unique to that era, from Aurora model kits to poster magazines to noteworthy horror movies that were produced exclusively for broadcast television. Since this was the last decade before cable TV channels found their footing and VHS rentals became a blockbuster business, some essays cover super 8 films (the only way to watch horror films on demand before the '80s) and horror movie reference books (the way many young fans--including me--learned about both popular and obscure horror movies). This book also includes an extended version of a post I did last year about my childhood infatuation with the Loch Ness Monster, an infatuation that dovetailed with my nascent appreciation of horror.

Whether you're a horror fan who lived during the '70s or a fan who is interested in what the fandom was like during a previous decade, 70s Monster Memories is the book for you. Click here to order your copy and see the complete table of contents. This is a limited run publication, so order you copy now before supplies run out!


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